June 27, 2018

Our Call to Temperance

What is Temperance? Why should we practice it? How do we live it out in our lives? What does temperance mean in the context of diet? Today we’re diving deep into one of the most important virtues.

Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies

The dictionary defines temperance as a moderation of sorts, sometimes involving complete abstinence.

Even in the secularized definition, we see hints of the church and our calling to this virtue.


he Catechism of the Catholic Church specifies four cardinal virtues: Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, and Temperance.

According to the Catechism, “Human virtues are firm attitudes, stable dispositions, habitual perfections of intellect and will that govern our actions, order our passions, and guide our conduct according to reason and faith. They make possible ease, self-mastery, and joy in leading a morally good life.” As Christians we should strive to practice these cardinal virtues as well as many others specified in the bible. The consistent practice of virtue will lead to a insurmountable joy.

As one of the four cardinal virtues, more important than the other non-cardinal virtues, the practice of temperance should be one of our top priorities. As the Catechism suggested, when we practice temperance we can live more fully. By examining what temperance actually is and how to apply it in our lives we form a guide for ourselves that points us on the right path. When we use temperance as a guide to live, we can more easily life out the lives we were called to live, and then, experience more joy. After all, who doesn’t want to live a joyful life?

2 Peter says “For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, virtue with knowledge, knowledge with self-control, self-control with endurance, endurance with devotion, devotion with mutual affection, and mutual affection with love.” (2 Peter 1:5-7)

As we grow in temperance, we can progress further to live in God’s ultimate gift for us, love. Love is the goal today friends. And it all starts with temperance.

What is temperance?

Now that we know the goodness that practicing temperance can create in our lives, let’s dive back into the definition. To practice temperance is to exercise self-control. To intentionally restrain ourselves from doing, saying, eating, drinking, or thinking something that we know isn’t good for us in large amounts.

You can think of temperance like a fast. We know that Jesus fasted often throughout His life. Jesus fasted to grow closer to God. And we can do the same.

What should we practice temperance in? Ideally, everything. But let’s start with small steps.

What do you do too much of? When you say to yourself ‘I wish I would stop doing that’, what are you thinking about?

What do you wish you could be better at? is there something you want to do more of?

Pause for a minute and think.

For me, I think about food. Sometimes I regret eating that extra serving of nuts. I wish I could be better at slowing down and being mindful of the food I’m eating, and then stopping when I’m full.

Maybe it’s food for you too. Or maybe it’s not. Whatever comes to mind first is what God is calling you to think about.

What do we do now?

Cantaloupe cocktail

How do we actually practice temperance?

First, pat yourself on the back because you just got through the hardest part: recognition.

Now that you’re thinking about it, make a plan. Think about how you can exercise control. Make yourself a plan. Only have one serving and then stop. Or try to think about what you’re saying before you say it. Whatever it is, have a plan, and then, here’s the important part: follow through. That’s what temperance is. Actually practicing self-control.

The best part is that when we practice temperance, we are doing something good for ourselves.

Don’t stress yourself out though. It can take weeks, months, or years to fully master self-control over just one part of your life. That’s normal. Pray for self-control and progress. You will get there. Know that you are following God’s plan and your ultimate goal is cultivating joy and love.

I’d love to hear from you, what are you practicing temperance in? How are you doing?

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